Board Members & Meetings
Cherry Marketing Institute
Emily Miezio - Chairwoman
Melanie LaPerriere - Vice Chairwoman
Terry Sorenson - Secretary
Josh McMullin - Treasurer
Mark Schilling - Grower Member
Daryl Peterson - Board Member
Greg Shooks - Board Member
Michigan Cherry Committee
Dave Smeltzer - Chairman - Tart Cherry Member
Mark Schilling - Vice Chairman - Tart Cherry Member
Juliette King McAvoy - Secretary - Tart Cherry Member
Emily Miezio - Treasurer - Tart Cherry Member
Dave Hackert -Sweet Cherry Member
Paul Hubbell - Sweet Cherry Member
Marc Willmeng - Tart Cherry Member
Caleb Herrygers - Tart Cherry Member
Noah Fox - Tart Cherry Member
Heather Throne - Michigan Department of Agriculture
John Wise - Michigan State University ​
Michigan Tree Fruit Commission
Trevor Meachum - Chairman
Daniel Dietrich
Mark Miezio
Gerrit Herrygers
Jim Nugent
Bruce Veliquette
Chuck Rasch​
Adam Brauer
Scott Hassle
Upcoming Meetings
Michigan Cherry Committee Board Meetings
Coming soon...
*Meetings will be held in-person if able to adhere to Public Health Orders that are in effect.
**If you need any accommodations for effective participation in any cherry meeting please contact the CMI office at (517) 669-4264 to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Cherry Marketing Institute Inc. is to increase the sales and use of cherries by expanding the market domestically and globally. To do this we need an effective staff of people dedicated to its grower membership, working in union with all other industry segments to market cherries effectively.